Our Work

Labour Rights

ALDS provides a platform of Workers Organization , Women Organization, Youth Collective and Cultural Organization.

What We Do

ALDS Conducts
Training Workshops,
Organise Public Events,
Develop Educational Materials
and undertake Research.


What We Believe

AlDS believes that migrantion is part of todays reality and works to make migration safe and not graught with grave, danger and loss of identity. ALDS Strengthens the access by Migrants of Migrants of Citizenship and civic rights through increased awareness buinding and enfocibility.

What We Do

ALDS Conducts Awareness Campaign to protect Nature and Animals around the world.

Served Over 0 Labours and Youth of 11 States in the India

Become a Volunteer

Be a part of the Greater good by serving with us.

Become A Volunteer

Saving Nature

Leading a new path for Reforestration.

What We Do

To bring the awareness to the people involved with deforestration about the harm being done,
to advice them to compensate by planting trees.

We undertake planting trees from nursery over unfertile land, hills, parks, Government lands etc., public / private establishment wiht their consent.

Plantation Programs targeting to "plant billion trees" to bring about a garden of forests in urban and rural areas.

Animal Protection

Kindness and Compassion towards all Living things is a mark of Civilized Society

What We Believe

We Believe in Conserving the Natural habitat of wildlife species,Enriching Our Planet.
Conservation of Natural habitats will also benefit Humans.Keeping the essential Watersheds intact and ensuring Clean, fresh water.

What We Do

ALDS Conducts Awareness Campaign to protect Nature and Animals around the world.

Social Awareness

Women Empowerment

What We Believe

ALDS believes that it is Women's Leadership that can viable Communities.

It is Important to Listen to Women, make Women Visible and facilitate their assertion,
accessing their Citizenship rights and becoming the Leaders for a more egalitarian Society so that they can transform themselves, their family,their Community.

What We Do

ALDS Conducts various Awareness Campaign for raising the status of Women through Education and training, allowing women to make life determining decisions.

Fight against Violence

Violence against women and girls is a hidden global crisis which knows no boundaries of geography or culture.
But, marginalized women, such as poor women and girls, are most likely to experience it, most often at the hands of their husbands or partners.

It is Important to Listen to Women, make Women Visible and facilitate their assertion,
accessing their Citizenship rights and becoming the Leaders for a more egalitarian Society so that they can transform themselves, their family,their Community.

What We Do

ALDS Conducts various Awareness Campaign for raising the status of Women through Education and training, allowing women to make life determining decisions.